Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Are social media making us more social??????

This Is A Video EVERYONE Needs To See. For The First Time In My Life, I'm Speechless.

“This media we call social is anything but, when we open our computers and it’s our doors we shut”… This is one of the most vital messages that everyone needs to hear.
Look Up is a spoken word for the “online” generation. Written, performed and directed by Gary Turk, it is an extremely important life lesson for our youth.  Children are growing up in a world where they don’t play outside or communicate with their friends. It seems today everything is done via text message or over the internet. It’s heartbreaking… I feel guilty myself. We need to spread this message before it’s too late. Please do your part and SHARE it with everyone you know.

Sunday, May 4, 2014


(Even if you are faint-hearted doesn’t matter, please read this article :smile:)
Note: There are other well-defined processes to realize that Vedas are not man made. So it will be quite difficult to understand that Vedas are not man made just by reading the below article but nevertheless this will be thought-provoking for sure.
A scientist will spend almost his life time to come out with one or two inventions/ discoveries that too using trial and error method. Even after that there is no guarantee that his discovery/ invention is absolutely faultless. :shock: (i’m not understating or downplaying scientists, its a fact)
In ‘The Logic of Scientific Discovery’, Karl R. Popper, a great philosopher of Science writes, “I think that we shall have to get accustomed to the idea that we must not look upon science as a ‘body of knowledge’, but rather as a system of hypotheses, or as a system of guesses or anticipations that in principle cannot be justified, but with which we work as long as they stand up to tests, and of which we are never justified in saying that we know they are ‘true’.”
In the words of scientists themselves, empirical modern science is “belief”, involves “trial-and-error”, consists of data that are “erroneous, misleading and inadequate” and is to be looked upon as “a system of guesses”.
Few Eg:
  • Geo centric model said that Earth is the center of Universe.
  • Theory of Evolution by Darwin is now disproved and now it’s out of text books.
  • Previously modern science said that there are 9 planets in our solar system but now it is saying only 8 planets.
  • So many satellites launched by man have failed but moon the natural satellite is perfectly working from time immemorial.
Books written by a man keep changing/ updating because of lack of perfection, they will have 1st, 2nd, 3rdedition etc that is not the case with Vedas.
Vedas are the same Vedas from the time immemorial.
So is the quote ‘to err is human’. (The 4 defects of living entities according to Vedas will be discussed later)
The word “VEDA” means Knowledge. Vedas, the huge collection of knowledge include not only religious and spiritual knowledge,but also that of some of the branches known to modern science such asArchitecture, Avionics, Astrobiology, Astronomy, Atomic Physics, Chronometry, Dietetics, Embryology, Gastroenterology, Health Sciences, Metallurgy, Meteorology, Psycho-physiology, Science of warfare, Sociology etc. :shock:
Just 5000 years ago Vedas were compiled by Vyasa maharishi in the form of writing. But before that Vedas were not written down as the people of those times were so intelligent and had such sharp memories that by once hearing from the spiritual master they would understand them.
The word ऋषि ‘Rishi’ means a seer, from the root dris, to see. So the Rishi is the Mantra-Drashta, a seer of mantra or thought and not Karta, creator. The Rishis saw the truth or heard them. Therefore, the Veda is also called Sruti, that which is ‘heard’ or ‘revealed’. The Rishis are not the authors of the mantras with which their names are associated. They were the seer of the thought, which existed already. The Vedas are called ‘Apurusheya’ meaning ‘not of human origin’.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Political Organization and Form of Government in Vedic Period

Vedic literature provides very little informations about political history during Vedic period. Persons, battles and political events mentioned in the Vedas cannot be arranged chronologically (except for that they took place during Vedic period), while much of the historical context in Vedic literature is unclear.

Mhabharata, illustration of a battle of Kurukshetra War
Mahabharata, Kurukshetra War
Punjab region was the center of the Vedic culture and from there Indo-Aryans expanded to the east. The basic political unit was the vish (clan or tribe) ruled by raja (king or chief) who was responsible for protection of the clan. The clans did not only struggle with the non-Aryan tribes which they called Dasyu but were frequently in conflicts with each other as well what clearly indicates the Battle of the 10 Kings which is described in Rigveda. Rivalry between the clans is also the central event of the great epic poem Mahabharata (composed between 400 and 200 BC) which says that rivalry between sibling clans of Kauravas and Pandavas provoked the Kurukshetra War in which participated number of other kingdoms as allies of the rivals. The epic Mahabharata represents the 18-day war as a major event of great significance for the future history. However, it remains uncertain whether the famous war was as significant as described or the author (Vyasa) only glorified a battle of local importance.
Clan identity was slowly replaced by territorial identity by the end of the Vedic period and 16 kingdoms known as the Mahajanapadas emerged in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent competing with each other for supremacy. At the same time kingship became hereditary.

Courtesy: http://www.anciv.info/ 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014