Friday, April 4, 2014

Yogi & his mind

A self-realized yogi can control the mind. The successful yogi's mind does not control him. A true yogi experiences real happiness. In transcendental happiness, the senses are engaged in the service Krishna. That is the way to bringing the senses under full control. This is the highest perfection of yoga practice.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Sound Representation of the Supreme Lord

Our present senses are all made of material elements, and therefore they are imperfect in realizing the transcendental form of The Lord. He is therefore worshiped by sound representation via the transcendental method of chanting. Anything which is beyond the scope of experience by our imperfect senses can be realized fully by the sound representation. A person transmitting sound from a far distant place can be factually experienced. If this is materially possible, why not spiritually? This experience is not a vague impersonal experience. It is actually an experience of the transcendental Personality of Godhead, who possesses the pure form of eternity, bliss and knowledge.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Trapped by the senses

This is Maya. "Come on, come on, enjoy me." As soon as you enjoy, you become entrapped. Just like they throw the tackle and invite the fish. As soon as — it eats! Finished.

 The fish is losing his life by eating, by tongue. The deer by hearing; the hunter plays very nice flute and all of them assemble to hear. Hunter keeps the trap and it loses life. The elephant is caught by sexual attraction. A she-elephant is trained, goes to the male elephant, and it follows. The male elephant falls into a big pit. Then he's shackled and taken away. Bumble bee is entrapped by smelling lotus flower; it gets trapped within the flower, and loses its life. 

These examples are for animal kingdom whose one sense is only active. But incase of human beings, all our senses are active. Then what is our position? A man has got six wives, and he has entered the house, and all the wives have captured him, "You come to my room." You see? So one has taken his one hand, another has taken another hand, one has taken his one leg, so he's like this: "Where shall I go?" So this is our position. This body means the senses. My eyes want, "Oh, there is a beautiful girl. Let us see." Ear. "Oh, there is very nice music. Let us have it." "Oh, there is a very good restaurant, palatable dishes. Let’s go." Tongue dictates. Eyes dragging to some place, ear dragging, tongue dragging. So our position is like different wives and dragging to different rooms. Thus, we are perplexed. Instead of controlling the senses, we are becoming servant of senses and losing this great opportunity of human life. The only way to get out of it is to be fully Krishna conscious.

Ref: Bhagavad-gita 2.20-25 Seattle, October 14, 1968 authored by Srila Prabhupada (Founder - Acharya, ISKCON)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Guru is not for fashion

Go to guru, to surrender. Surrender means that one will accept whatever the guru says. It is not that one thinks, "I do not care for my guru's order. Still I am a disciple." That is not actually accepting a guru. Just like Arjuna surrendered to Krishna. You must find out guru where you can surrender. Not that you keep guru your order supplier, "Give me some ashirvad and I may be benefited." He is not guru; he is your order supplier, your servant. Guru means he must order, "You must do this." If we agree, then he is a guru. Not that "I shall order my guru, and he will execute my order.” that the dog will do, not the guru. You ask your dog, "Sit down here," a dog will sit. That kind of guru keeping has no value. We shouldn't go to a guru simply because a guru may be fashionable at the moment. Just as you sometimes keep a dog as a fashion, if you want to keep a guru as a fashion—"I have a guru"—that will not help. You must accept a guru who can extinguish the blazing fire of anxiety within your heart. Everyone in the material life, in all species and varieties of life, is full of anxieties. So if you want to be anxiety-less, then you must take shelter of the guru, the spiritual master. And the test of the guru is that by following his instructions you'll be free from anxiety. However, a guru is not a person who simply manufactures gold or juggles words just to attract foolish people and make money. An actual guru is one who is fully trained in the ocean of spiritual knowledge.

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Painting on the wall

There was a king who was a great admirer of art. One day an artist came and said to the king, “Oh King! Give me a blank wall in your palace and let me paint a picture on it.”

The artist was given the job. Just then, another young man said, “Oh King! Please allow me to work on the opposite wall. I too am an artist.”  The king said, “What would you like to make?” The man said, “My Lord, I shall make exactly what that man will make on the opposite wall. Moreover, I shall do so, without looking at his work. I would even request you to have a thick curtain put up between the two walls so that either of us cannot see the other.”

Everyone in the king’s court, including the king was intrigued. He decided to give the young fellow a chance. The following day a thick curtain was put into place and both the artists got to work. The first artist brought in a regular supply of paint, oil, water etc. The second one worked with some cloth and a bucket of water. After a month the first artist told the king that his work was complete. The king sent for the second artist and asked him, “Young man, when would your work be ready? I am coming to see the first wall this evening.” The man said, “My Lord, my wall is ready too!”

The king went to see the first artist’s wall. He was very, very impressed with the painting and gave a hefty sum as a reward to the artist. He then asked for the curtain to be opened up. Lo and behold! The same painting was to be seen on the opposite wall too! Amazing! But true! Each line, each minor detail was exactly as it was on the first wall. But this man had not been seeing what was going on, on the other side of the curtain. So how had he done it?

The king wanted to know the secret. He gave a double reward to the fellow. Then he said, “Young man, I am indeed very happy with your work. But you must tell me; how did you do it?”

The lad said simply, “It’s very easy! I just polished the wall every day till it shone like a mirror!” It was a wall made of white marble! The reflection of the painting across the room, showed up in it!

That is what it means to polish yourself. World is a reflection of you. Whatever you are, the world will seem to be that too. If you are happy, the world will look to be happy. If you are sad; jealous; angry; restless... that is what the world will seem to be to you!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pray regularly

 There is a story of about a sea captain who in his retirement skippered a boat taking day-trippers to Shetland Islands. On one trip, the boat was full of young people.

They laughed at the old captain when they saw him say a prayer before sailing out, because the day was fine and the sea was calm.

However they weren't long at sea when a storm suddenly blew up and the boat began to pitch violently. The terrified passengers came to the captain and asked him to join them in prayer.   

But he replied, "I say my prayers when it's calm. When it's rough I attend to my ship." 

Here is a lesson for us: 
If we cannot and will not seek God in quiet moments of our lives; we are not likely to find Him when trouble strikes. We are more likely to panic. But if we have learnt to seek Him and trust Him in quiet moments, then most certainly we will find Him when the going gets rough. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

There is no miracle

One man went out of his village, and after ten years, he came back, advertised himself that "I have become successful in yoga practice." So naturally villagers surrounded him. "Oh, what yoga practice you have learned?" "I can walk on the water." "Oh?" So the arrangement was that he'll cross the river, walking on the water. One old man came and said, "Sir, it is very wonderful, but it is two paise worth." "Why?" "Now, you will walk and go the other side; I'll take a boat, pay him two paise. I'll do the same thing. So what is your credit?" So those who are actually intelligent men, they will question, "What actual profit you have made?” Let us say you are a chemist and you combine acid and base and you make smoke, an explosion or whatever. To somebody ignorant, that's a miracle. But for everything there is a process, and so when you see a miracle, it's just ignorance of the process. So-called transcendentalists who have no real stock of knowledge they are fond of these miracles, and for the most part, because the innocent public is generally foolish, therefore they accept these magicians as saintly persons. So one who does not know these things, they say, "Oh, these are all stories." It is not story. It is no miracle. They are all possible. So there is no such thing as miracle. It is a process of doing. One must know how to do it. There is no miracle. We don't say anything miracle. The real knowledge means science or knowing everything about something. So this Krishna Consciousness is not a miracle, it is science, and because we are Krishna conscious, therefore we know everything.